An inclusive approach to align product teams on the problem space, opportunities, and strengths of solutions. This sets the stage for further research and design activities or a no-go decision.

2 hour session
One Facilitator
Designed for 4-8 Participants*
*Include key stakeholders representing PM, engineering, UX, and business.
Why Collaborative Framing?


Human Centered



(Provide 1-2 Weeks ahead)


Review the Idea.


Bring related artifacts and research to aid in shared understanding.


Interview the contributor to understand more details behind the idea.

Idea Pitch & Perspective Pause

One participants shares the Idea card details out loud with the group. The group participates in a "perspective pause", a 5 minute duration to silently write notes on guessing each-other's perspective on the issue.
With this warm-up, participants reflect on the issue, getting curious and sparking questions we can ask to better understand another's perspective.

Part I
Strategy Alignment Voting

The group votes on Strategic Themes using Mural. The group reached consensus on the top theme to drive the rest of the exercises.

Voting on the goals! the past this was sometimes just done by one person who the group felt would be best to answer
- Kelsea Salinas
Part III
Personas & Scenarios

One by one tackle each question, assumption, or constraint that is raised. It's important to take the time to discuss next steps for the most High Risk - Uncertainties, but it's important that all key stakeholders have the opportunity to raise their points on the map.

Participants place personas relative to the topic. Helps to identify tangential stakeholders or possible affected end-users.
Scenarios are created by the group.
Part II
Business & UX Outcomes Swap

Divide into two groups, Business & UX Outcomes. Each group writes in separate breakout rooms. After 10 minutes, swap outcomes! Participants will revise, synthesize the other groups outcomes into succinct sentences for a final share-out. This timed-exercise offers deeper engagement with other participants.

Part III
Questions, Assumptions, & Constraints

One by one tackle each question, assumption, or constraint that is raised. It's important to take the time to discuss next steps for the most High Risk - Uncertainties, but it's important that all key stakeholders have the opportunity to raise their points on the map.


Share the outcome of Collab Framing (left) with primary stakeholders for feedback and group ends with a go / no-go decision.

Keys to successful collaborative framing

Provides opportunities for Solo, Small group & Whole group work.
Uses strict time constraints to move to convergence.
Includes group consensus methods such as voting to ensure alignment.